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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Kodo 4.0 & WebLogic EJB3.0 Tech Preview

After many months of hard work by the WebLogic and Solarmetric teams BEA released Kodo 4.0 and WebLogic Server EJB3.0 Tech Preview yesterday. Kodo 4.0 is a major release which includes support for EJB3.0 persistence (JPA 1.0). What this means is that you can take Kodo 4.0 and use it with any Java EE 5.0 application server as the persistence provider for your entities.

Additionally we released a preview version of WebLogic Server that integrates this same Kodo 4.0 product and adds support for the rest of the EJB3 spec. Support for injection, interceptors, and some of the Java EE 5.0 technologies are there. For more information check out the edocs. Though not a final release developers can get started using EJB3 technologies in WLS today with a full production ready implementation coming at the end of this year or early next year.

You can download both Kodo 4.0 and the tech preview at:


Also check out http://dev2dev.bea.com for more information and articles as well as links to newsgroups for questions/answers.

And by all means feel free to provide feedback either to myself here or email me: mkovacs at bea dot com.


Nice post thanks for shaaring

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